This exactly. I have had disordered eating patterns since my teens (maybe even earlier I don't know). Part of it might be being ridiculed (especially by my stepfather! growing up) even though I was at a normal & healthy weight, not even "chubby". Running & strength training changed my relationship with my body in such a positive way! I am amazed at what it can do and whenever I feel slipping back into old patterns (restricting food, urges to eat because I am stressed / anxious / sad) I try to tell myself that I chose to treat my body well and respect it's needs. Doesn't always work but most of the time now. I am still learning of course and maybe I will never be able to say "I am over this eating disporder" but I am proud that I can say now I respect and care for my body (instead of finding faults, hating how it looks etc.)
Thank you for this wonderful article