I am well aware of the works of Dr. Lustig and other low carb and keto books and doctors. Also, I didn't write in this article that I think it's only environmental toxins, but I wanted to share this theory because I found it interesting. I am also well aware of the food industry's efforts to make food more palatable etc. I have spent more than 15 years so far reading a lot of opinions, research papers, books etc., studied nutrition... plus I have experimented with nearly every diet on this planet. And I simply try to keep an open mind.
And "Metabolic" is one part of the puzzle. As you are probably aware processed foods are way higher in toxins than non-processed foods. So I don't know why you are so outraged by me sharing the opinion of these researchers. Feel free to read through their site...
I love low carb eating myself because it has helped me with digestive problems a lot (I don't have issues with weight). I just don't think it's as easy as many lc proponents make it out to be. Because I have seen to many people NOT lose weight on keto and even zero carb diets.